She Likes Me Bouquet
When kind words and a note just aren’t enough, consider our best-selling She Likes Me Bouquet.
This medium-sized bouquet is filled with a seasonally inspired, florist's choice mix of deep purples, magenta, and pops of burgundy.
You will receive a florist's choice of just-plucked seasonal blooms inspired by the photo here and selected for their seasonal availability and freshness.
A glass vase is available for an additional fee. Vase may vary from that in photo. Deluxe wrap includes extra-fancy water-proof wrap, matching silk ribbon and a vase.
Delivery is available Tuesday through Saturday. The order cut off for same-day delivery is 3:00pm. Your order will arrive between 11am - 5pm. The recipient will receive a text message and live tracking details when the delivery is on its way. If you need your order by a certain time, please leave a note for us at checkout! Please see a list of our full delivery FAQs for further details, including a complete list of zip codes we service.
Pickups are available from our Eckington shop on Wednesday through Sunday. The order cut off for same-day pickup is 3:00pm.